Do titles really matter?

Have you ever went book shopping, looked at the title of a book, and put it back? Chances are you probably have. The phrase “never judge a book by its cover” is often looked over when picking a good book to read or buy. When a reader looks at your book, the first thing they see is the title and design of your front cover. You want to make sure you put some thought into your title. Don’t just slap on a title and hope for the best. There are three concepts you want to have in mind when figuring out the best title for your book.

  1. Does the title of your book convey the message that you’re trying to get through?
    -Take this moment to make a list of points your book is about. See if it falls under one umbrella. Another point that will really get your brain to thinking is looking at your summary. The word or words you may need for you title could be right there!
  2. Is it an attention grabber?
    -Stay clear from making the title too long. You don’t want to run your readers away by having them read a long list of words. Title so long they’ll never make it to the first chapter. Maybe you’re on the seasoned side like me and you have so many options you just don’t know which one to pick. You can take your top 3 picks of titles and show them to other authors or your readers and let them help pick the one they like best.
  3. Does it make your readers want to read further?
    -When you read the title yourself, does it make you want to pick it up? Maybe try looking at other authors that’s doing the same genre as you and see if you can get inspiration from them.
    Implementing these questions will help you have a great front cover that your audience will fall in love with. Have fun coming up with your next title! If you need help email me at I am the title queen!

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