Writer’s Block: How Do I Get Out of This Rut?

Writing is very fun and therapeutic for me. However, what about when it comes to writer’s block? For those that may not know, writer’s block is when you have difficulty in coming up with more ideas to produce in your work. For me, I would sparingly catch writer’s block. I would allow myself two to three days to get myself prepared for the mode of writing. Surprisingly, I embrace writer’s block because when I get back into writing mode my ideas become stronger. Here are some tips that helped me in getting my mojo back in writing:

1) Take a break. Step away from the material you are working on. Getting yourself frustrated with trying to figure out more content will cause you to produce sloppy writing. Read a book. Watch some T.V.  Go for a walk. Listen to music. Relax your mind. Do some breathing exercises and step away. Don’t force it!

2) Find somewhere to go to get some inspiration.My favorite two places to go to is Starbucks and the park. I don’t know if it’s the smells I get from being in Starbucks or the happiness I get from drinking the White Chocolate Mocha Frappe. But it gives me life every time! Driving to the park enhances my vision so much that it’s very essential I bring a notebook with me to jot down my ideas. Whatever that place may be for you I suggest that you get there, so your creative juices can get to flowing. 

3) Don’t edit while you write. Are you that perfectionist who likes to get everything right on the first try? Well, that will not work for writing. Personally, editing while your writing is like trying to walk and tie your shoes at the same time. You will end up abusing one or the other. Write first. Edit later. 

4.) Eliminate your distractions. Unfortunately, circumstances may occur causing you to lose focus. You may have a death in the family, a family member or friend to become hospitalized, or maybe even suffer a sudden break-up. Take your necessary time to get your emotions together. Always remember your “why”. Why you started writing in the first place? Get your mind together and get back to your passion. 

I hope these four tips help you if you get writer’s block. A piece of advice that I would share upon you is that someone is waiting on you to publish your book. Don’t stay away too long!

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