As an author, obstacles and even sad moments can stop you from seeing the bigger picture. Being human sometimes our emotions do get the best of us. However, we must learn to remain in hope and faith. Take a moment and do some reflection to see how far you’ve come. Look at where you’re trying to go, make a plan, and then execute that plan. Whether you’re a part-time or full-time author, it can be hard. You have moments where you want to give up. But remember “when it goes and gets tough the tough gets going”. Look at your surroundings and pay attention to those that uplift you when you feel like giving up on your author career. Look at the readers that’s patiently waiting for your next book to come out. Maybe you had a sickness, and you felt delayed because you had plans of finishing a particular goal. Don’t give up! Heal and continue to execute your plan. Or maybe you just don’t seem to think your author career won’t go as planned. Challenge yourself to see your dream come true. Go find the resources you need to keep going. Always remember, one bad or sad moment won’t determine your greatness. Don’t let anything come between you and your passion. KEEP GOING AUTHORS! Our readers need us!